Monday, December 29, 2008

Goodbye To The Old

You know ever since I was 15 I was always thought that I needed a guy to make me happy. Mostly because of my mom and what happened to her after her divorce. But then I realized that the divorce didn't make her the way she is but it was the way that she was treated during her marriage that turned her against guys and that's why she's content with her lifestyle. I never understood it because I never saw how anyone could live like that so I wanted so bad to be different. So since the age of 15 I have made my fair share of mistakes through my dating choices just so I wouldn't be alone. And from those mistakes I was hurt by alot of people that I thought had actually cared about me. I've been cheated on, yes I've cheated, I've been put down verbally, and many other things. But I never learned until now. I went through hell with some of the guys that I have been with and yes I have put some guys through hell but only because I was trying to protect myself. I've fallen in love a couple times only to end up the victim in the end. I tried so hard to make them happy without making myself happy. And in some of the relationships I let the guy control my life and did whatever he wanted no matter how much I didn't want to do it. But you know what I'm not going to do that anymore. I am better then what some of the guys treated me like. I have alot of things going for me even if it doesn't look that way sometimes. I get off track like most people do but I still know what I want and what I have to do. I know where I'll end up and that I will be happy with that and if there is a guy out there that will accept that then he will get the chance to go there and be there with me. But now I am cutting the strings to the person that thought she needed guys to be happy because that's not the case at all. I make myself happy by doing what I want to do when I want to do it. So people can either accept it or don't that's their choice. But I won't bother with the guys that put me through a living hell anymore because I am so much better then that. So this next poem is a new one that I just wrote like an hour ago called The Puppet and Her Master. And I hope you all see that I am serious about all of this. I'm done with the games and I am not the same girl I was even a month ago. I am stronger and smarter and if that bothers you then go ahead and try to tell me.
The Puppet and Her Master
Is it time to cut the strings
That loosely holds us together
Nothing ever seems to change
When it comes to you and me
Does it really have to be this way
You are my puppet master
Controlling my every move
And the way you manipulate my emotions
It's just not fair
I'm breaking free of the strings
I'm ready to live again
But how would you react
You wouldn't have control of me
I wouldn't be your little puppet
You've caused me so much pain
And I spent too many nights crying over you
You could never make up your mind
My heart constantly played with
I will not let you do that anymore
The strings have finally been cut
So be ready for the outcome
Because I'm taking back my freedom
So accept or don't
It's your choice
Mine has already been made
So it's your turn