Friday, January 9, 2009


Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to post something but some things came up that prevented me from posting. But during this time I have realized alot about me and the people around me. I use to think that life was all about the people you know, the money you have, and the guys/girls that you date and those are the things that make you the person that you are. But that's not true at all. YOU are the person that makes you who you want to be. If you let someone else control your life then it wouldn't be your life anymore it would be someone else's. The people around you are there to simply live with and around they aren't what makes you you. Because if you lost someone like a boyfriend or a best friend your life can still go on and you can find someone else that'll be there for you even more. You can't lean on the people around you but instead walk with them and more importantly be yourself! That's the only way to be truly happy. And if you find yourself lost and confused don't just look for help from others but look for help from God and yourself. That way you know it's the path that you're suppose to be on. And remember everything happens for a reason and nothing is worth giving up completely because nothing is as bad as it seems. You might feel like there is nothing out there for you but that's not true there are alot of amazing people out there that you don't even know yet. Put yourself out in the world and you'll meet the people that will love you and care for you the way that you deserve. No one will ever fully understand you unless someone is a mind reader so it is your job to show them who you are and don't expect them to just know because that'll just turn into something that you weren't looking for. And remember that no one is ever really alone God is always there for you if you let him and he knows what is best for you. Take what I'm saying to heart and remember to listen to your heart it'll guide you in the right direction.
Standing Tall
Looking through all the memories
Both good and bad
Things have changed alot since then
And I am not the same person
I was insecure and scared
Ready to let someone else control my life
But not anymore
I am ready to stand on my own
Only leaning on the one thing that will never leave
And that is my faith in God
I cannot undo all the hurt that I've gone through
Nor do I think I would
Because sometimes you have to hurt in order to be happy
Love and pain go hand in hand
But the pain makes the love that much better
Don't live for someone else
Live for only yourself and God
And when you find that special someone
Make sure they are with you because of who you are
And not who they think you are
Most of all never let anyone change you