Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well it's finally 2009 and I hope that everyone had a great New Years. Mine was great I spent it with good friends. So I hope everyone has all their resolutions made I know I do. And it's not one of those like lose weight and anything that would involve changing my physical appearance. Because looks fade so when you're making yours make ones that will help you be a better person. Mine are completely quit smoking, no drinking, drugs, or sex, finish my novel, work on my relationship with my family, and get the trust back that I lost. I can't wait to see how this year turns out. I had alot of great times in 2008 and I'm hoping to get alot out of 2009. And looking back I can see that I have lost a couple of the most important people in my life because of careless mistakes. One of them is still there but we're not talking except in our own way. And the other I'm afraid is gone and I don't know if it's permanent or not I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. In celebration of the New Year I am downloading Stateparks new cd because all of the songs on there are completely brillant so you guys should check it out. It's at and it's completely free. And also I have written a new poem about a conversation that I had with my ex before christmas. I have been trying to write this poem since and nothing was working but I finally finished it tonight. But I don't have a title for it yet so I was hoping to get you guys involved by giving me ideas about what to call it. I would really appreciate your input. So here it goes.
Sleepless nights piling up
Thinking of our last conversation
And everything I did wrong
The fights I could have prevented
The hurtful words that shouldn't have been said
The night that made you suffer
And all the months I didn't tell you
I want to go back
To prevent it all from happening
But I can't and it hurts
Knowing that it should have been different
But I failed
And now I am left alone
Suffering for everything
Crying for what I lost
A love that would have been great
Different from any other
For a time I was only focusing on the bad
Without looking at the good
That is until now
All I want is to be in your arms
To be the great couple
That I saw in my dreams
But I know we can't right now
I know you're hurting
And that is my fault
So for now I'll let you heal
And continue to work on me
I love you now
And I'll love you then
I'll hear you on the airwaves
So know I'll always be there
Til the end
Whenever that is